Visual contemporary art
EUGENIO CORRADI is an Italo-Swiss painter, born 1947 in Rome. Active in Berne since 1975, he lives and works between Switzerland and the Ligurian Riviera, Northern Italy (see ‘biography’). Member of the Swiss visual art association visarte Berne.
Artist’s trend
Lyrical expressionism, phenomenology of nature, poetics oft the form, colourism.
Oil- and Tempera painting, painting with pigments, watercolour, ink, drawing, original graphic art.
Bénézit, Paris 1999,
SIK Schweizerisches Kunst Lexicon, Zurich 2000
see a choise of oil- and or tempera paintings on this site.
Julius Baer Bank, Principauté de Monaco, DIE MOBILIAR Assurance Company (Berne, Fribourg, Burgdorf, Muri AG, Sargans), Commune of Apricale, Imperia Italy, INLINGUA school of languages (Berne, Thun) as well as private collections in Switzerland and abroad.
Author of
«L’arte delle novità- critica del postmoderno» (essay, a criticism of postmodern art), «L’esperienza» (novel), «Io contro Orso» (story)*. *unpublished, manuscripts in Italian.
© Eugenio Corradi for all pictures and text |